
View our post archive below to find links to current and previous updates from the Wabanaki Alliance. We also track local, state and national news coverage of issues important to the Wabanaki tribes in Maine. Find a selection of that media coverage in our In the News list.

Report Finds Issues with Wabanaki Studies Law Enforcement

Report Finds Issues with Wabanaki Studies Law Enforcement

A new study finds that despite a 21-year-old law requiring all Maine K-12 schools to teach students about the Wabanaki Tribes school districts across the state, school districts have failed to include Wabanaki Studies consistently and appropriately in their curriculum and that the law is not being meaningfully enforced.

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Panel on Wabanaki Studies Law Set for Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Panel on Wabanaki Studies Law Set for Indigenous Peoples’ Day

An online panel discussion set for Indigenous Peoples’ Day, October 10, will explore the implementation of the 2001 Wabanaki Studies Law and include discussion of a new report examining the law’s effectiveness. The event is hosted by the Abbe Museum, ACLU of Maine, Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission and Wabanaki Alliance.

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2022 Candidate Endorsements and Legislative Scorecard

2022 Candidate Endorsements and Legislative Scorecard

The Wabanaki Alliance today announced their endorsements of candidates for the Maine Legislature and their legislative scorecard for the 130th Maine Legislature. They also announced their decision not to endorse a candidate for Governor of Maine.

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Join the Wabanaki Alliance staff!

Join the Wabanaki Alliance staff!

The Wabanaki Alliance is hiring a Voter Engagement Coordinator and a Digital Content Manager. Learn more about the positions and how to join the Wabanaki Alliance staff!

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Wabanaki Alliance Executive Director speaks at Jan. 6 vigil

Wabanaki Alliance Executive Director speaks at Jan. 6 vigil

Many people who watched the events unfold in the nation’s capital on January 6, 2021 were shocked as some Americans attempted to block the peaceful transfer of power from one administration to another. Wabanaki citizens were repulsed by the acts of violence and the attempt to thwart the will of 81 million voters.

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Who supports LD 1626?

Who supports LD 1626?

Support for LD 1626 comes from local, state, and federal leaders, Mainers across the state, and more than 90 racial and social justice and faith-based groups. Read more>>

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